Blueprint Healing

Blueprint Healing is an energy healing modality I have developed where I engage the client’s Spirit, Mind, and Body in a dialogue to uncover blockages and disharmonies. Working intuitively and in cooperation with the greater Universe and the client, together we release holding patterns, shine light into dark spaces, and open pathways to new possibilities for health and joy. This method uses techniques of energy medicine, medical intuition, and channeling, and also draws deeply on the theory and concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong. We all come equipped with an original blueprint of what health looks like for each of us. This provides guidance and a touchstone for us to return to in response to life challenges and our ever changing environment. Clients will acquire greater understanding of their unique pattern of health and strengthen their own intuitive knowledge and healing capacity.

Blueprint healing sessions are held in person in Shadyside, Pittsburgh, or remotely over video.

"Thalia has a presence of divine empathy and care that touches all parts of her work. She is able to provide in-depth and truthful messages that deliver great impact. Throughout her Blueprint Healing session, I felt radiant and clear energy that illuminates from within her and back into the session. She was able to give clear advice that validated my lived experiences, but also was able to peer into parts of my personal healing and depths that were unclear to me before. The medical intuition that Thalia shares is practical, soft, and understanding. Thalia has an innate ability to see you for who you are currently, who you have been, and how you will transform in the future with grace and light." - K. Renee 

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